Love Quotes by Osho Acharya Rajaneesh

Here are some famous Love Quotes by Osho or Acharya Rajaneesh. Osho was a famous Indian guru and spiritual leader who have written numerous books on meditation and spirituality.

Famous Osho Quotes on Love

Love will give you the secret key, the golden key, the master key. Love unconditionally, and flowers will be showering on you from all the directions. And once you have known the generosity of existence you will never feel miserable. ~ Osho Sayings

Everybody goes on thinking that he loves people and nobody returns the love, but it has never happened that way. It is against the law; it is against dharma, against the ultimate law of life. If you love, love comes in return. If it is not coming, go deeper; somewhere in the name of love you have done something else. ~ Quotes by Osho

Picture of Osho or Acharya Rajaneesh the famous Indian spiritual Guru

Love is death of the ego, the personality, the false. There is no way to have both, love and ego. Either you can have the ego or you can have love - but make it a conscious thing. ~ Osho Quotes

Love yourself, so that all your loving sources become open, all blocks are removed. And if you can love yourself -- with all your frailties, with all your weaknesses, with all your errors -- you can love anybody in the world. You will have tremendous compassion and understanding, because you commit the same mistakes; the same are your errors, the same are your frailties. ~ Osho Quotes


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