10 Popular Names of Indra

Indra is the King of Devas and the lord of Svargaloka in Hinduism. Indra rides on Airavata the white elephant and his horse is Uchchaihshrava. Shachi or Indrani is the divine consort of Indra. There are 10 popular names by which Indra is also known.

List of Names of Indra

1) Devendra - the lord of deities

2) Devaraja - king of deities

3) Sakra - powerful one

4) Vrtrahan - slayer of Vritrasura

5) Vajrapani - he who has thunderbolt (Vajra) in his hand

6) Vrsan - mighty

7) Svargapati - the lord of heaven (Svargaloka)

8) Meghavahana - he whose cloud is vehicle

9) Vasava - lord of Vasus

10) Surendra - chief of deities

10 Popular Names of Indra


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