Kuchala Kanjiram Aswini Nakshatra Tree

Kuchala or Kanjiram (in Malayalam) is the Nakshatra Tree for those born in Aswathy nakshatram or Aswini nakshatra. According to Hindu astrology, a tree or plant is associated with each Nakshatra and worshipping their Nakshatra tree is believed to bring positive influence in life.

English name – Poison Nut Tree, Snake-wood, Quaker Button
Botanical name - Strychnos nux-vomica Linn
Family – Loganiaceae

Aswini Nakshatra Tree Names in Indian Languages 

Sanskrit Synonyms - Kupeelu, Karaskaram, Vishatindukam, Vishadruma, Kalakutaka, Garadruma, Kupilu, Akutaka, Chipita, Chutaka, Dirghapatra, Garadruma, Vishmushti

Hindi Name – Kuchala, Bailewa, Chibbinge, Jahar, Kajra, Kucchla
Malayalam Name – Kanjiram, Chamram, Kanni-rak-karu
Tamil Name – Etti, Kagodi, Kalam, Kancirai
Kannada - Hemmushti, Hemmusti, Ittangi

Bengali Name – Chile or Kuchila
Marathi - Kajra, Kuchala, Jharkhatchura
Oriya - Kuchla
Telugu - Mucidi, Mushidi, Mushti
Urdu - Kuchla Muddabir

Ayurvedic Properties of Kanjiram or Kuchala Nakshatra Tree

Rasa – Tikta
Guna – Lakhu, Rooksha, Teekshna
Virya – Ushna
Vipaka – Katu

Picture of Kuchala or Kanjiram, Nakshatra Tree for Aswini or Aswathy Nakshatram Star

Medicinal Properties of Kanjiram Tree 

Useful parts of Kanjiram Tree include its Leaves, Seed, Bark, and Root. Kanjiram Tree has medicinal properties for the treatment of skin diseases and muscular pains. The plant is used for the treatment of arthritis, hypotension, kapha, vata, dementia and cardiomyopathy. However, all parts of Kuchala tree is toxic is used in large doses.

Ayurvedic doctors also use Kupilu tree for abdominal pain, upset stomach, insomnia, migraine headaches, nervous conditions, respiratory diseases in the elderly, intestinal irritation, depression, and constipation. Homeopathic medicine also use Karaskaram tree for the treatment of irritability and digestive problems.

Plant Description 

Kanjiram or Kupeelu is an evergreen medium-size tree native to southeast Asia. The tree is mainly seen grown in open habitats and grows up to 15 to 20 meters in height. Kanjiram fruits are medium sized, round and single with a smooth hard shell The fruits become orange red on ripen and contain a soft white jelly like pulp with many discoid seeds. Flowers occur usually in clusters.


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