Patanjali Quotes from Yoga Sutras

Patanjali Quotes taken from Yoga Sutras. Patanjali Maharshi is believed to be an avatar of Adi Shesha or Anantha, the thousand headed serpent on which Lord Vishnu resides. Patanjali is the composer Yoga Sutras, the most important text of Yoga. 

5 Famous Patanjali Quotes

1) Concentration, meditation, reflection. These three constitute samyama – detached awareness. Through mastery of samyama, the essence of wisdom is illuminated.

2) The Self is immaculate, unchangeable. When Self is reflected in the mind, the mind abides in Self-awareness.

3) Desire is attachment to pleasure.

4) For so long as the roots exist, they bear fruit as fortune of birth, length of life, and the experience of pleasure or suffering.

5) An object is known or unknown depending on whether or not it is reflected in the mind.

Picture of Patanjali Quotes from Yoga Sutras


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