Goddess Tara Devi Dasha Mahavidyas

Goddess Tara is the second among Dasha Mahavidyas and resembles Goddess Kali in many features. But both of them differ mainly in their complexion. The color of Tara Devi is spectacular blue while that of Kali Maa is horrible black. This marvelous blue color is highlighted by her three eyes. The awful appearance of her face is promoted by the long tongue that ejected out from her mouth and also by the intertwined hair. The tiger’s skin worn around her waist is the only material she used to cover her body. Goddess Tara has four arms and by them she is carried one sword, scissor, lotus and human skull respectively. Like in the pictures of Kali, Lord Shiva is found lying beneath the feet of Tara too. The intention of her incarnation was to destroy the hardcore demon Hayagreeva.

Legend Associated with Tara Devi

In Sanskrit the meaning of the word Tara is ‘star’ in the sky that illuminates independently. Thus, Devi Tara also represents freedom and success of activities and commitments. It is also said that the incarnation of Tara was to feed Lord Mahadeva with her breast milk to counteract the side effects of poison that he had consumed during the ocean churning process carried out by Devas and Asuras for the procurement of Amruth which was considered to be a divine nectar for eternal life. Hence Goddess Tara is characterized by strong motherly features and believed to be the easily approachable goddess among Mahavidyas. But it is really unbelievable to know that she could be made happy by blood sacrifice. Devotees who want to perform blood sacrifice are advised to take blood from hands, breast, and foreheads.

Picture of Goddess Tara Devi, Dasha Mahavidyas

Incarnations of Goddess Tara

It is said that Devi Tara had four incarnations and known by the name Tara, Ugra Tara, Maha Ugra Tara and Neel Saraswathi. People generally worship these forms for fulfilling their various requirements. Tara is also considered as an incarnation of Goddess Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth. Neel Saraswathi is the deity of words and letters, and hence used to worship for knowledge. It is said that the guru of nine planets Brihaspathi was educated from Devi Tara. She also shows keen interest in protecting her devotees from various accidents. Maa Tara offers Moksha to all her devotees irrespective of their commitments and works. It is said that Tara is present everywhere in the Universe and hence popularly known by the name Bhramamayi. If devotees recite ‘Jaya-Jaya-Tara’ with true belief, all their problems get solved for ever.

Temples of Tara Devi

Tara Ma Mandir in Tarapith, West Bengal is a popular temple of Goddess Tara.


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