Sharabha Avatar of Lord Shiva

Sharabha is an avatar of Lord Shiva which is not commonly known. This is considered as the most powerful appearance taken by Siva to protect the universe. 

Sharabha Avatar of Lord Shiva

His manifestation as Sarabeshwara was to dominate over the fierce embodiment of Lord Vishnu as Narasimha which was the combination of half human and half lion. The objectiveness of Vishnu’s personification was to save his favorite devotee prince Prahalada from the demon king Hiranyakashipu who was his father too. After killing him, Narasimha seemed to be very furious in nature. He created an awful situation in the Universe by roaring dreadfully and continuously. By foreseeing the negative outcome of this, other Gods and sub-gods sought help from Mahadeva who then decided to take the Sharabha form to pacify the angry Narasimha and convert him to normal Vishnu.

Appearance of Shiva as Sharabha

The Sharaba form of Shiva was the structural blend of human, animal and bird with gigantic as well as blistering look. It had so many hands, claws and legs, and almost resembled a huge dragon. The entangled tresses in the body highlighted the ferocity of the structure to a greater extend. In the head there was a massive crest which looked like a dome. There were well spread wings on the back side of the body with a long tail. The extremely sharp incisors in the mouth and inflexible claws were its main weapons. Its thunder like voice created echo in the environments and was horrible to hear. It had three eyes which were glowing like fire balls. Its teeth and lips were well formed and can be seen properly. It produced awful hissing sounds throughout.

Sharabha Avatar of Lord Shiva

Story of Sharabha Avatar of Shiva

At first Lord Shiva took the form of Veerabhadra and asked Narasimha to cool down. But Narasimha ignored this appeal. So he himself transformed to colossal Sarabha which outclassed Narasimha both in structure and power. Then Sarabha lifted Narasimha with its long tail and was about to throw him. Narasimha realized this and prayed Sarabha to forgive him. This made Lord Siva to aware the recovery of Vishnu from ferocious nature and hence did not hurt him. As a mark of respect to Lord Siva, Narasimha removed the skin of lion from his body and presented to Sharabeshwaramurti. Thus the incarnation as Sarabha by Lord Siva pacified the Narasimha manifestation of Lord Vishnu. This embodiment of Siva is referred as Sarabeshawara. In Shiva temples idols of two Sarabeshwara are found at the entrance of sanctum sanctorum.


  1. Dont know about the story but i according to the stories told by our ancestors i believe that may be dragons did exist.. Different countries and different traditions have almost common stories characters and creatures resembling one another..

  2. Lord Narasimha is Lord Narayana. He can be stopped only with Devotion so obviously stopped by his devotee Prahlada. Any other stories are interpolated by Saivas to prove the supremacy of Siva, so Tamasik puranas are not to be trusted
    In the Vedas, it is written,
    "Narayana parabrahman tatvam Narayana paraha"
    which points to how Narayana is essentially the supreme force and/or essence of all.
    our Great Guru Shankaracharya said Brahmendra, Rudra Arka kireeta koti (Supreme God Lakshmi Nrsimha’s feet is touched by the crowns Of Brahma, Indra, Shiva and Sun)
    Nrsimha Karavalamba stotra by Adi Shankaracharya
    Sri Nakshmi Nrsimha Karavalamba stotra

    Nobody stopped Lord Narasimha, the stories of Sarabha were fictions and fabricated by King Kulothunga Chozha an ardent Shaivaite fanatic. He was the culprit who oversaw the writing of completely fictions work in fact a pulp fiction called Linga Purana that originally had these stories which never has any base or credibility. He also did some fabulous stuff like rewriting Shiva Purana, hiding the original texts of Vyasa, just because he was insulted that every Shiva follower was killed by Vishnu and his couterers cannot win debates against Vaishnavism.
    The modern day Shaiva Puranas Shiva Puran, Skanda Puran, Nandi Puran etc that floating around these days in Devanagari and other storylines were all written during his period by his courteures in Tanjore his capital city. The original works he had buried it somewhere and it should re surface as time evolves in to a Dharma Yuga

  3. Sharabha avtar accepted in Shiva Purana, Kalika Purana, Linga Purana, Sharabha Upanishad, Kamikagama and Sritattvanidhi towards end of Narsimha bhagwan avtar. Mahabharata neutral
    Puran not accepted mostly by Dvaita vaishnava scholars related Skanda Purana, Vamana Purana 
    Pratyangiri devi later took form for end of Sharabha avtar & of all


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