Lord Purushottama Vishnu

Purushottama is one of the names of Lord Vishnu. Purushottam literally means one who is the Supreme Purusha or Supreme God. According to the Bhagavad Gita, the meaning of Purushottama is one who is the Supreme Purusha beyond the Kshara (Destroyable i.e. Prakṛti) and Akshara (Undestroyable i.e. Atman). The name Purushottama appears as the 24th name of Mahavishnu in Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra. Purushottam is also one of the 24 Keshava Namas of Mahavishnu.

Lord Rama and Lord Krishna avatars are regarded as Purushottama avatars, where Sri Ram is known Maryada Purushottama and Sree Krishna as Leela Purushottama.

Purushottama Vishnu


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