Budha Gayatri Mantra for Wednesday

Budha Gayatri Mantra for Wednesday. Budh or Budhan is one of the Navagraha planet and presides over Budhavara or Wednesday. Accodring to Hindu astrology Budha is the Navagraha God of intelligence, business, education, science, mathematics. Below is the Budha Gayatri Mantra to pray on Wednesday.

Budha Gayatri Lyrics - Planet Mercury

Om Gajadhwajaaya Vidmahae
Sukha Hastaaya Dheemahi
Tanno Budha Prachodayaat


Om, Let me meditate on him who has elephant in his flag,
Oh, He who has power to grant pleasure, give me higher intellect,
And let Budha illuminate my mind.

Budha Gayatri Mantra for Wednesday

Benefits of Budha Gayatri - Praying Navagraha Budha Gayatri 11 times on Wednesday morning and during sunset will help to appease Budha Graha and obtain good communication skills, high IQ, get rid of skin diseases, successful relationships, and reduce health problems related to blood pressure and sugar.


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