Lingodbhava Murthy Form of Shiva

Lingodbhava Murthy is an aspect of Shiva in which the lord is worshiped as emerging from the formless. This is one of the 64 important forms of Shiva also known as Leela Vigrahas. As Lingodbhava Murthy, Shiva is in the form of a huge Linga or Lingam as the Supreme Self, without a beginning and without an end.

According to Hindu scriptures Linga Purana and Shiva Purana, once Lord Shiva revealed the Lingodbhava Murthy form to Lord Vishnu and Brahma Deva in the form of a pillar of fire with no beginning, middle or end. Vishnu took the form of the boar Varaha to find the end of the linga while Brahma took the form of a swan to find the top of the flame. But neither of them could find the beginning or end of the flame. In this form, Mahadev is depicted with four arms, seated in the heart of a Linga; while Lord Vishnu and Brahma adore him from the two sides. 

Lingodbhava Murthy Form of Shiva

One of the major pujas during during Maha Shivaratri at Arunachaleswarar Temple Thiruvannamalai is that of the Lingodbhava during the night kala.


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