Vishnu Names Starting Alphabet A

Lord Vishnu Names Starting with Alphabet “A”. The list include 21 names of Mahavishnu with English meanings. Devotees of Narayana can use these names as Hindu baby names.
The below Vishnu names are taken from Vishnu Sahasranama of Mahabharata.

1) Akshara – Indestructible

2) Adityas or Aaditya – The son of Aditi (Sun God or Surya and Vamana Avatar)

3) Aprameya – He who cannot be perceived, One without comparison

4) Amaraprabhu – The Lord of the devas, Eternal god

5) Avyaya – Without destruction, non reducible

6) Anuttama – Incomparably great

7) Aatmavaan - The self in all beings

8) Ahah - He who is the nature of time

9) Ajah - Unborn

10) Achyuta - Infallible

11) Ameyaatma – He who manifests in infinite varieties or or whose essence is immeasurable

12) Amoghah - Ever useful, magnificent

13) Amritah - Immortal

14) Avyangah - Without imperfections

15) Anaghah - Sinless

16) Amoghah - He whose acts are for a great purpose

17) Ateendra - He who surpasses Indra, one who is beyond the grasp of gross sense

18) Animisha - He who remains un-winking; ever knowing

19) Aniruddha - He who cannot be obstructed

20) Amrityu - He who knows no death

21) Ajah – He who takes the form of Aja, Brahma

Vishnu Names Starting Alphabet A


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