Bhu Varaha - 5 Forms of Varaha avatar

Bhu Varaha is one of the five forms of Varaha avatar of Mahavishnu. Lord Vishnu took Varaha as his 3rd incarnation to rescue Goddess Bhudevi from demon Hiranyaksha. Bhumi Devi or Varahi is the divine consort of Varaha. Bhu Varaha is usually seen depicted as standing with two arms holding Sudarshana Chakra and Shankha and the other two holding Goddess Bhu Devi. 

Sri Bhu Varaha Sametha Lakshmi Temple at Varahanatha Kallahalli in Mandya district of Karnataka is one of the main temples dedicated to Bhu Varaha.

Bhu Varaha - 5 Forms of Varaha avatar


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